Return to Narbutta Street
Return to Narbutta Street, a film by Ottie Lockey, is about Eve Zaremba’s return to her childhood home in Warsaw. Below is the link to the film which is in English with Polish subtitles.
Search for Kaskada
Ottie Lockey’s second short film Search for Kaskada is a road trip in Poland featuring Eve and Ottie as they hunt for Eve’s grandmother’s cottage. Although 75 years have gone by, Eve hopes to find this magical place in the mountains, but there is only one clue: the name “Kaskada”. Senior lesbians navigating by car, in a foreign country, have moments of frustration, humour, and serendipity. Below is the link to Search for Kaskada. The film is mostly in English with subtitles in Polish.
Search for Kaskada and Return to Narbutta Street were for several years part of the extensive archive of the Gdynia Museum of Emigration, which also included interviews with Eve and still photos. To our regret, that archive was eliminated in 2018.